Billy Sprague

Jan 01, 2014
Jan 01, 2004
Jan 01, 1999
Dec 28, 1993
Jan 01, 1992
Jan 01, 1989
Jan 01, 1988
Jan 01, 1986
Jan 01, 1984

Billy Sprague is listed in the credits for the following albums:

Year Artist Album Role
1981 Brown Bannister Talk to One Another Songwriter
1981 Amy Grant In Concert Acoustic Guitars, Background Vocals
1981 Amy Grant In Concert, Volume Two Acoustic Guitars, Background Vocals
1982 Various Artists Good Night Sleep Tight Songwriter
1982 Glenn Garrett Nothing Without You Electric Guitar
1982 Kathy Troccoli Stubborn Love Songwriter
1983 Debby Boone Surrender Songwriter
1984 Billy Sprague What A Way To Go Songwriter, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
1984 Sandi Patty Songs from the Heart Songwriter
1984 Amy Grant Straight Ahead Background Vocals
1984 Kathy Troccoli Heart and Soul Songwriter
1985 The Cause Do Something Now Choir
1986 Farrell & Farrell Manifesto Background Vocals
1986 Amy Grant Collection Acoustic Guitars, Background Vocals
1987 BeBe and CeCe Winans BeBe and CeCe Winans Songwriter
1988 Rich Mullins Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth Background Vocals
1992 Billy Sprague Torn Between Two Worlds Songwriter, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
1993 Various Artists Artists, Music, Message - 1993 Benson Music Group Sampler
1994 Ashton, Becker, Dente Along the Road Songwriter
1994 Kathy Troccoli Stubborn Love '94 Songwriter
1995 John Schlitt Shake Songwriter
1995 Dallas Holm Face of Mercy Songwriter
1996 Bruce Carroll Speed Of Light Songwriter
1996 Gary Chapman Shelter Songwriter
1998 Bruce Carroll Boomerang Songwriter
2005 Bruce Carroll Big World Producer, Songwriter
2014 Billy Sprague Songs in the Key of Awe Songwriter, Guitars, Lap Dulcimer, Choir, Vocals

Billy Sprague

Jul 17, 1952

Image Gallery

Billy Sprague is a Christian contemporary music artist. He is the winner of four Dove Awards, and has written songs recorded by many well-known Christian artists, toured with Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith, and recorded nine albums. He holds a B.A. in English from Texas Christian University and is currently a songwriter, publisher, seminar speaker/teacher, and performer.

Billy grew up in West Texas, Amarillo and Borger. He earned a degree in English from Texas Christian University, did graduate work for two years in literature at the University of Texas, Austin, followed by twenty-five years of making music in Nashville, Tn. He currently lives in New Smyrna Beach, Florida with his wife, Kellie, and their three AWEsome children, Willow, Wyatt and Sawyer, and their dog, Lucy Loo Hoo.

Billy has received four dove awards, written songs recorded by many well-known Christian artists, toured with Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith, and recorded ten albums of his own. As a composer, his contribution is significant and diverse. Some notable compositions include:

  • Via Dolorosa, Song of the Year 1986, Sandi Patti;
  • A Man After Your Own Heart,Gary Chapman, Inspirational Song of the Year 1997;
  • Can You Reach My Friend, Debbie Boone;
  • IOU Me, and For Always, BeBe & CeCe Winans;
  • What Were You Thinkin? America’s Dumbest Criminals TV theme song,
  • No One Knows My Heart, Suffer in Silence, Alice in Wonderland, There is a Line, Hold the Intangible and Crooked Man, all recorded by Susan Ashton;
  • Shelter Me, John McDermot

…And many more.

Billy’s own recordings include Christian radio hits like: Press On, Heaven is a Long Hello, I Wish, La Vie, I Call it Love and Heavenly Father. His most recent solo projects are Soundtrack of My Soul and Songs in the Key of Awe.

In his debut as an author, Billy wove his own story into an intuitive apologetic for the Christian faith. Both light-hearted and painfully honest, Ice Cream as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe, explores the nature of belief, tragedy and the Divine choreography of life and being alive. In his own words, “You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be glad you’re not me.”

His second book, Letter to a Grieving Heart, is a personal letter to those facing the loss of a loved one. Billy revisits the landscape of his own mourning, the numbing reality of that shadowland, and the inklings of light and hope that brought him back into the land of the living. The book is made even more powerful by the stunning photographs of distinguished landscape photographer, John MacMurray. "Letter" has sold over 46,000 copies.

From 2006 to 2014 Billy served as Worship Leader and Director of Momentum for a multi-campus church, Crossroads in north Denver. He is currently Worship Pastor at Edgewater Alliance Church in Edgewater, Florida.

Bio. (n.d.). Retrieved December 16, 2014, from Billy Sprague website:

February 17, 2015

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Beloved Multi-Dove Award winning songwriter, recording artist and worship leader Billy Sprague has announced the release of his first radio single of the century. "Life Begins Now" from Sprague's latest musical project, Songs in the Key of Awe, goes for adds this week through A-Sides Radio Promotion.

May 22, 2014

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Beloved multi-Dove Award winning recording artist and worship leader Billy Sprague is thanking his fans for the support through Kickstarter of his upcoming project, Songs in the Key of Awe. Through the popular crowd-sourcing platform Kickstarter, Sprague raised 176 percent of the original funding goal to supply $35,171 toward the recording and promotion of his new CD.

Created by: Yianni D on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 09-August-2020