
Jan 01, 1989
Jan 01, 1986
Jan 01, 1984
Jan 01, 1982

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Before Cruse became an entity all it’s own there was the Cruse Family which was not only a singing group but, also a traveling family of evangelists. As the family grew older the Cruse children decided to branch out of the traditional gospel stylings of the larger family group. Under the shortened title of Cruse the group began to record more contemporary songs.

Cruse recorded four albums between 1982 and 1989 with, Janie, Karen, Joe, Becky and Cindy Cruse all participating on at least one album. All five Cruse children have gone on to various ministry positions after the group ceased to record. Cindy is now the worship pastor at Lakewood Church in Houston and Becky and husband Joe run Worship Works Ministries in Austin.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016