Circle of Dust

Jan 01, 1998
Jan 24, 1995
Jan 01, 1994

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Circle of Dust

Band Members:

Circle of Dust was started in the early nineties by Scott Albert who wrote, performed a produced all of their material. He signed with R.E.X. Records and released the self-titled album in 1992. Shortly after that Albert recorded a side project under the name Brainchild. That album would later be remastered and rereleased under the name Circle of Dust.

Circle of Dust gained a solid following and even had a touring band to back up Albert, but when R.E.X. folded the band had a handful of unrecorded songs and no label. The band’s guitarist went on to use those songs on a solo album under the name Klank and scott albert would put out one last Circle of Dust album in '98. He now performs as a mainstream artist and calls himself Celldweller.

Created by: admin on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016