
Feb 26, 2016
Jun 20, 2006
Jul 17, 2004
Aug 19, 2003
Sep 11, 2001
May 18, 1999
Apr 29, 1997

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Virtue is a popular gospel music group. The group currently consists of sisters Ebony Holland, Karima Kibble and Heather Martin. The group was formed 1994 by Karima Trotter (Kibble), Ebony Trotter (Holland), Negelle Sumter, and Shavonne Sampson. All four women attended the historically Black Seventh-day Adventist institution, Oakwood University (then Oakwood College).

After signing to Verity Records, Virtue recorded an album with production by Mitchell Jones (Commissioned), Dawkins & Dawkins, Montrel Darrett (Commissioned) and the help of Mark and Joey Kibble of the group Take 6. In 1995, Virtue recorded on Verity's Tribute to Rosa Parks under the production of Fred Hammond (Commissioned) on We Will Be The Ones.

In 1999, Heather Trotter (Martin) joined the group, replacing Sampson. Sumter later left the group, but appears on several songs on the group's album Virtuosity!

Virtue (musical group). (2013, March 7). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 12:40, June 17, 2013, from

Created by: siremidor on 17-June-2013 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016