Stephen Stanley

Oct 07, 2022
Aug 26, 2022
Mar 25, 2022
Apr 23, 2021
Dec 02, 2014
Dec 06, 2012

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Stephen Stanley

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Singer/songwriter Stephen Stanley makes music with immediate emotional impact, revealing a depth of talent that comes from years of devotion to his craft. At the age of nine, the Mansfield, Georgia-based artist learned to play his mother’s guitar after suffering an accident that rendered him deaf in his left ear and quickly uncovered an innate musicality and remarkable gift for melody. By age 13, he’d added piano and drums to his repertoire, in addition to writing songs and leading worship at the church where his father served as a pastor. Over the last decade, Stanley has honed a distinct and dynamic voice as a musician, bringing both raw emotion and a profound sense of purpose to everything he creates.

Stephen Stanley Bio (Retrieved 1-May-2021)

May 04, 2022

Stephen Stanley has been working on his music career since age nine. He grew up listening to '70s and '80s rock bands, but a water ski accident focused his energy on music. He knew he wanted to be in Christian music from a very early age and even attended college specifically to “help his writing because he didn’t want his songs to say anything that wasn’t based on scripture.” Then, early in 2020, Stephen got a record deal, just in time for a global pandemic to nearly shut down the music industry. And yet, here he is, still making music, pointing people to Jesus.

Created by: siremidor on 01-May-2021 - Last Edited by siremidor on 11-May-2022