Wild Blue Yonder

Jan 01, 1986

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Wild Blue Yonder

Wild Blue Yonder is the first and only album by the Contemporary Christian band Wild Blue Yonder. It is the first official album of Contemporary Christian singer Crystal Lewis who was fifteen at the time of the album's release. She left the band after two years to pursue a solo career. Chris Brigandi, Paul Martin and, Joey Mitchel started playing together as The Lifters before forming WBY.

CCM magazine described the style as "a rockabilly, cow-punk band" and saw influences of both Stray Cats and Lone Justice. The album was remixed and re-issued in 1995 on Lewis' Metro 1 label.

Wild Blue Yonder made their debut at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa which often hosted Christian Bands. Like the Knitters, Wild Blue Yonder was created by adding one member and removing one member from their previous band The Lifters.

Wikipedia contributors. (2021, January 27). Wild Blue Yonder (album). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:52, May 21, 2021, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wild_Blue_Yonder_(album)&oldid=1003028740

Created by: Yianni D on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by siremidor on 21-May-2021