Jonathan Traylor

Oct 14, 2022
Jul 22, 2022
Mar 25, 2022
Sep 24, 2021
Aug 14, 2020
Aug 30, 2019

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Jonathan Traylor

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Jonathan Traylor is a triple threat, and maybe more. As a world-class singer/songwriter, producer/musician, and dancer, the 29-year-old is poised to breathe new energy into the faith-based music scene with his unapologetically wild sound and style. The Dallas-raised performer is known for using contemporary sounds and high-energy stage performances while leading audiences in heartfelt and surrendered moments of worship, all intending to infuse the culture with the message of the Gospel in a way that is real and relevant.

“I want to make music that helps not just the churched, but the unchurched,” Jonathan explains. “Christ wants everyone to have a seat at the table. It is not an exclusive thing. I want to make music that connects everyone and brings everyone to the table.”

Jonathan Traylor. (n.d.) Retrieved: 2-Oct-2021. From Motown Gospel

Created by: siremidor on 02-October-2021 - Last Edited by siremidor on 02-October-2021