Soulfood 76

Jan 01, 1998
Feb 03, 1997
Jan 01, 1997
Jan 01, 1994

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Soulfood 76

Band Members:

Vocals, Rhodes, Guitar
Guitar, Vocals

Seattle based Soulfood 76 started in the early nineties, although the "76" was added later. They released several demos before originally signing with Broken Records, which folded before releasing their debut album Velour. They went on to release the album themselves in '94.

Soulfood 76 later signed with Freedom records where they released Original Soundtrack which was their first official album on a label. The next year they re released Velour with better mastering and four new tracks. The band would break up after their last album called 8-Track. While they never became superstars they had a strong underground following and were always funky.

Created by: siremidor on 26-July-2010 - Last Edited by admin on 07-January-2016