Alisa Turner

May 11, 2018
Aug 25, 2017

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Alisa Turner

Alisa Turner sings with joy and grit. She pours her life experiences - overcoming years of debilitating illness and losing her infant son – into eloquent, piano-driven melodies. Giving up is not an option for Alisa who is following in her worship leader dad’s footsteps. Along the way, she has worked, toured and written with a variety of artists including Robbie Seay, songwriter Cary Barlowe (Carrie Underwood) and Tenth Avenue North. Alisa is signed with Integrity Music and appears on the albums My Pursuit and Alisa Turner, her self-titled solo debut with the label.

Worship artist Alisa Turner sings with passion and vulnerability. Her songs capture something almost mystical, yet deeply rooted in the hard stuff of the “now and not yet” grit of the everyday. It’s the lilt and innocence in her voice and the heartbreaking, but hopeful truth of her story.

Created by: siremidor on 02-September-2019 - Last Edited by siremidor on 30-January-2021