
Noel Robinson

Jun 29, 2022

One of the things I've enjoyed about working on the Christian Music Archive is discovering artists that I was not previously familiar with. Our world is a big place, and many people are making music celebrating the Savior that we may have never heard of. For example, a while back, I stumbled across the music of Noel Robinson. Noel is from Essex, London, England, and is one of the pioneers of the British Gospel Sound. He has released eight records that I'm aware of and was signed in 2014 to Integrity Records. Noel has some impressive guitar skills, but the thing that draws me to him the most is his desire to bring unity to the body of Christ.

Noel Robinson: WebsiteFacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

And of course, on our page: Christian Music Archive.

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The music used in today's episode is the intellectual property of their respective copyright owners and is used with their permission.
